15 Times People Attempted To Build Cars From Scratch _ ClassicCar


Cars can be very expensive to own and sometimes even more to repair. Not only is there the initial cost of the car that can break the bank, but then you have the added cost of fuel, maintenance, and insurance. But what if you could just build your own car from scratch? And I don’t mean take an old rat rod, and rebuild that. I mean actually taking junkyard parts and turning them into some sort of machine with wheels that would count as a car. Well that’s just what these people from around the world did. They found unused parts and slowly pieced them together to make a vehicle that they could use around town. Check out these 10 homemade cars from around the world.

1. This one looks like it may have been a tractor at one point. Regardless the two owners of this car look very excited to show it to someone else.

2. This looks like some sort of bike taxi, but with a motor. At least the back seat is cushioned.

3. This guy looks like he belongs in the 1940s during World War II, although that is possibly the era this picture was taken. You never have to worry about friends asking for a ride home with this car.

4. This homemade car is made of wood. It almost looks like the hood is made from an old whiskey keg. He put a lot of time and effort into this car to ensure it looks and works great.

5.A shoeshine man wanted to advertise his business, so he designed a car in the shape of a stiletto.

6. This car looks like it’d be straight out of a  Wes Anderson movie.

7. Even though it looks like an old pile of rust with a flat tire, it does appear that this car has been welded together so it actually does look like a car. It’s probably bigger than a Smart Car.

8. Another car that looks like a bike taxi, but minus all that hard work of pedaling.

9. So he took a convertible Volkswagen and turned it into a different car? Or maybe he used someone’s backyard shed. It looks like he’s not all the way done since there are holes where the speakers should be.

10. Even though he tried to turn this into a luxury car, he kind of failed. I mean it doesn’t look like this DIY Lamborghini or anything, but hey good job putting out the effort.

I really liked #4 and #6, but that doesn’t mean I would feel overly safe in either of them. It is pretty incredible that all of these people pretty much started with nothing but a pile of junk, and now they have a running vehicle that can at least get them around town. Hopefully they don’t get in an accident!