29 Of The Most Unintentionally Terrifying Statues In The World _ NatureWorld


Statues from around the world have inspired people for thousands of years! However, not all statues are as inspirational as the Statue of Liberty or the great statue David.  Here are a few examples that might just make you question humanity and wonder what the ‘artist’ was thinking… Take a look at these 29 creepy statues.


1. New York, Giant Impaled Crocodile

2. Asia: Kate Moss


3. Singapore: Haw Par Villa

4. Cuba: unknown artist/name

5. Chicago: “Man with Fish Fountain”


6. Washington: “Rosie: Fish with Legs and Breasts”

7. Netherlands:  “Santa Clause”


8. South Korea: Spider-Man sculpture by an artist Eunsuk Yoo

9. Belgium

10. Kiev: “Peeing Rainbow Children”


11. Prague: “The Piss Sculpture

12. Singapore: “Planet”


13.  United Kingdom: “Verity”

14. California

15.  South Korea: “ddong chim.”


16. Abu Dhabi: Spider-Man camel

17. Italy


18. Philippines

19. Germany: “Fountain of Virtues”

20. Massachusetts: “Burnside Fountain”


21. London: “Vomiting Fountain Sculpture”

22. China


23.Iceland, by Einar Jónsson

24.  Germany: “Humorous Sculpture of Superman Crashing to Ground”

25. Norway: “Man Attacked By Babies”


26.  Helsinki: “Bad Bad Boy”

27. Spain: “Caganer”


28. Switzerland: “The Child Eater”

29. Prague: “We Are The Champions”

I understand that art is a form of expression. I also understand that we may want to limit some of that expression for the simple sake of sanity. Some of these artists had to have been at least a little insane to come up with these creepy statues. Some of these are incredibly offensive but I guess that because it is in the name of art, people let these creepy statues slide.