A cyclist who had a great love for cats had a fateful encounter with one on the road.!!


Once a Florida resident Chad Mitchell went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. Having passed residential quarters and found himself outside the city, he suddenly heard an incomprehensible squeak.

Chad stopped and decided to check the condition of his bike. He thought the noise was coming from there. But the bike was fine, and the sounds continued.

Going to the other side of the road, he saw in a puddle a small wet ball of wool, which hiccupped plaintively. It turned out to be a kitten, soaked through with rainwater and practically showing no signs of life.

Chad immediately grabbed the baby and put it in his baseball cap to take him home.


At home, he, along with his wife, began to rub the poor animal with towels and bring it to life. A few hours later, the kitten finally began to move and be active.

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After that, they took him to the vet. It turned out that the baby was already 2 months old, although he weighed very little.


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Chad decided to keep the kitten. Together with his wife, they surrounded him with love, care and warmth.

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After a couple of weeks, the pet was already playing with might and main and completely forgot about the cold and terrible days of his life.

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This is how a random trip can bring 2 destinies together at once.🙂