A Joyful Miracle: Long-Awaited Quadruplets Bless Couple's Lives at BestBabyLand! šŸ’•šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶ #ParenthoodLove #BlessedFamily _ Sweet Baby Moments

Ā Ā Ā 

Justin Clark is a man who will have to do aĀ  lot of queuing up outside his own bathroom for at least the next 18Ā  years.

He may have Toby the labrador and Sox the catĀ  as male allies, but thereā€™s no doubt the 43-year-old is well and trulyĀ  outnumbered by women these days. And he couldnā€™t be happier.

Just over a month ago, he and his wifeĀ  Christine, 36, brought home their now three-month-old quadruplets ā€“ all girls ā€“Ā  from the special care unit at Rotherham Hospital.

Proud parents: Justin and Caroline Clark brought their four three-Š¼onth-old daughters hoŠ¼e froŠ¼ a special care unitProud parents: Justin and Caroline Clark brought theirĀ  four three-month-old daughters home from a special care unit last month- andĀ  theyā€™ve had their hands full ever since

Miracle ʄaʄies: Caroline, Darcy, Alexis and Elisha were š›šØš«š§ at 30 weeks after their Š¼other was hospitalised

Miracle babies: Caroline, Darcy, Alexis and Elisha wereĀ  born at 30 weeks after their mother was hospitalised


Caroline, Darcy, Alexis and Elisha were bornĀ  prematurely at 30 weeks and they are very special babiesĀ  indeed.

After nearly a decade of trying, the coupleĀ  had almost given up hope of becoming parents and had resigned themselves toĀ  being childless. It was their first round of IVF that proved successful ā€” quiteĀ  spectacularly.

And that is not the only reason the quads areĀ  extraordinary. Incredibly, they are also the result of just one embryo after itĀ  split into three and then one of those embryos split into two.

The odds of one embryo creating four babiesĀ  have never been calculated. ā€˜People have quoted odds of two million to one andĀ  even 70 million to one, but itā€™s simply not quantifiable as itā€™s never happenedĀ  before,ā€™ says Justin.

ā€˜Weā€™re the first people itā€™s happened to andĀ  even some doctors find it hard to believe.ā€™

To say the couple are shell-shocked is anĀ  understatement. Mothers of multiples often say parents of single babies ā€˜haveĀ  absolutely no idea how hard it isā€™.

Having given birth to identical twin girls 11Ā  months ago, Iā€™ve said it myself through gritted teeth lots of times.

So itā€™s with a mixture of profoundĀ  admiration, curiosity and a tiny bit of commiseration for the sleep they willĀ  never regain that I meet Justin, a lorry driver, and Christine, aĀ  nurse, atĀ  their three-bedroom ā€˜but oneā€™s only a box roomā€™ semi-detachedĀ  home in the SouthĀ  Yorkshire village of Brinsworth.

The only evidence of the babiesā€™ presence areĀ  the dark circles under theirĀ  parentsā€™ eyes. But echoing from upstairs thereā€™sĀ  no mistaking theĀ  fragile bleating of a newborn demandingĀ  attention.

ā€˜Excuse the mess,ā€™ says Christine needlesslyĀ  as she leads me into a room strewn with š‘š‘Žš‘š‘¦ paraphernalia.

Long-awaited: The precious ʄaʄies were the result of the couples' first round of IVF. They are the result of just one eŠ¼bryo after it split into three and then one of those eŠ¼bryos split into twoLong-awaited: The precious babies were the result of theĀ  couplesā€™ first round of IVF. They are the result of just one embryo after itĀ  split into three and then one of those embryos split into two

All four tiny girls, still weighing onlyĀ  around 5-6lb each, are snuggled up like dormice in one cot.

Three are fast asleep, but Alexis is testingĀ  her lungs to full capacity. Gently, Christine picks her up, cuddles her and sheĀ  calms down. Mumā€™s clearly a natural.

But then she and Justin have waited a longĀ  time to become parents.

ā€˜You wait nine years for one š‘š‘Žš‘š‘¦ and thenĀ  get four at once,ā€™ smiles Christine. ā€˜Weā€™re just so lucky.ā€™

Justin and Christine met in a pub 12 yearsĀ  ago and married three years later. Like most young, married couples, they longedĀ  to start a family.

ā€˜Iā€™d always wanted to be a mum,ā€™ saysĀ  Christine. ā€˜I donā€™t come from a big family, but children were always on theĀ  agenda. We started trying before we got married, but nothingĀ  happened.

ā€˜I was only 25, so I didnā€™t panic.Ā  But afterĀ  two years we went to our GP who did lots of tests. It turnedĀ  out I hadĀ  polycystic ovaries and would probably need help to getĀ  pregnant.

ā€˜It was veryĀ  upsetting. Friends were gettingĀ  pregnant and while I was always happyĀ  for them and never jealous, I would beĀ  thinking: ā€œWhy isnā€™t it happening for us?ā€ā€™

The couple tried several treatments,Ā  including the ovary-stimulating drug Clomid, but the side-effects made ChristineĀ  ill.

ā€˜IVF was really a last resort because we knewĀ  what a rollercoaster it could be,ā€™ she says.

ā€˜People donā€™t understand unless theyā€™ve doneĀ  it, and we discussed whether weĀ  wanted to put ourselves through it. It was ourĀ  finalĀ hope.ā€™

Justin and Christine were referred to CareĀ  Fertility in Sheffield, and were offered two rounds of IVF on theĀ  NHS.

The coupleā€™s fears were realised when onlyĀ  two of Christineā€™s eggs wereĀ  collected for fertilisation. Sadly, one of thoseĀ  eggs turned out to beĀ  too immature to be used.

Wedding day: Justin and Caroline Š¼arried in March 2004. After a nine-year wait and discoŹ‹ering Caroline has polycystic oŹ‹aries, they turned to IVF

Wedding day: Justin and Caroline married in March 2004.Ā  After a nine-year wait and discovering Caroline has polycystic ovaries, theyĀ  turned to IVF


ā€˜I was devastated,ā€™ says Christine. ā€˜IĀ  couldnā€™t believe that Iā€™d put my body through so much to get only one chance. IĀ  know women who get about 12 eggs and I had only one shot at it.

ā€˜There was a moment where I really did think:Ā  ā€œWhatā€™s the point?ā€ But as our midwife told us: ā€œYou only need oneĀ  egg.ā€ā€™

Once the embryo had been implanted, ChristineĀ  was told it would take 12 days before a pregnancy test confirmed whether it hadĀ  worked. Perhaps inevitably, she couldnā€™t wait that long.

ā€˜I cheated and took the test on day ten, andĀ  was absolutely shocked when it came out positive,ā€™ she says.

ā€˜In nine years of trying, Iā€™d never had aĀ  positive pregnancy test. I couldnā€™t believe my eyes.

ā€˜I took the test downstairs to Justin, whoĀ  said: ā€œWhat does that mean?ā€ IĀ  told him to read the box and when he had, he wasĀ  speechless.ā€™

By this point, the couple dared to believeĀ  they were finally going to beĀ  parents ā€” to one š‘š‘Žš‘š‘¦. It was seven weeks laterĀ  that they were given the most astonishing piece of news.

ā€˜I was lying on the scanning bed and theĀ  sonographer was looking at theĀ  screen, but not saying a word,ā€™ says Christine.

ā€˜I felt sick thinkingĀ  something had goneĀ  wrong, but she quickly reassured me that I wasĀ  definitely pregnant. Then sheĀ  said: ā€œI can see three sacs ā€” youā€™reĀ  having triplets.ā€

ā€˜I was in total shock. So was Justin. TheĀ  sonographer wanted a second opinion, so she asked us to go to the waiting roomĀ  and sheā€™d get a consultant toĀ  confirm it.ā€™

Justin says:Ā  ā€˜We sat outside and all weĀ  could hear were the staff buzzing around us,Ā  saying: ā€œItā€™s triplets, itā€™sĀ  triplets!ā€ It seemed to be an eternityĀ  before we went back in thatĀ  room.

ā€˜As the senior consultant Dr Shakar scannedĀ  Christine, he looked closely at the screen and then said: ā€œYouā€™re not havingĀ  triplets ā€” itā€™s quads.ā€ We were gobsmacked. And so was he!

ā€˜We all saw four little heartbeats. I keptĀ  counting them in my head ā€œOne,Ā  two, three, fourā€, but it was too much to takeĀ  in. Weā€™d gone from having no babies to four babies in one go.ā€™

Any multiple pregnancy is fraught with risk,Ā  but four foetuses meant fourĀ  times the danger to mother and babies. The medicalĀ  experts confrontedĀ  the couple with a stark decision.

Fatherly loŹ‹e: Mr Clark dotes on 11-week old Alexis. He has stopped working as a lorry driŹ‹er to care for his daughtersFatherly love: Mr Clark dotes on 11-week old Alexis. HeĀ  has stopped working as a lorry driver to care for his four daughters

ā€˜We were offered selective termination onĀ  several occasions ā€“ where the doctors would have aborted two of the babies toĀ  help the remaining two survive ā€“ but we were against it,ā€™ saysĀ  Christine.

ā€˜We wouldnā€™t have had to choose which babiesĀ  were terminated ā€“ the doctors would have done that for usĀ  ā€“ but Justin andĀ  I donā€™t believe inĀ abortion.

ā€˜Even if there had been something seriouslyĀ  wrong with the babies, I donā€™t think I could have lived with getting rid of twoĀ  of them.

ā€˜Thatā€™s also the reason why we didnā€™t takeĀ  the test for Downā€™s syndrome. We knew it carried a risk.

ā€˜Iā€™d waited too long for children and didnā€™tĀ  care what happened to me. I was prepared to risk it.ā€™

The pregnancy was far from easy and ChristineĀ  suffered from severe morning sickness.

ā€˜It was horrific,ā€™ she says. ā€˜People said toĀ  me after my 12-week scan ā€œYou should be full of energy nowā€, but I was beingĀ  sick morning, noon and night. Iā€™d even wake up in the middle of the night andĀ  throw up.

ā€˜Justin wanted to find out the š“ˆā„Æš“ of theĀ  babies at 20 weeks, but I said: ā€œNo way.ā€ If the pregnancy was going to be thisĀ  hard, I wanted to have a lovely surprise at the end of it.

ā€˜By this point weā€™d got our heads around theĀ  fact we were going to have four babies. We had no idea how weā€™d afford it. ButĀ  people have been so generous and donated clothes, pillows and even a rockingĀ  chair.ā€™

Christine was admitted to hospital for bedĀ  rest at 24 weeks and the twins were delivered by Caesarean section at 30 weeksĀ  on March 25, weighing between 2lb and 3lb each.

One in two Š¼illion: The Š¼iracle ʄaʄies get through Š¼ore than 200 nappies a week

One in two million: The miracle babies get through moreĀ  than 200 nappies a week


ā€˜We had more than 42 staff and took up twoĀ  surgical theatres,ā€™ she says. ā€˜Everyone wanted a front-row seat. When the babiesĀ  came out, they were whisked into a side room and Justin went withĀ  them.

ā€˜It was upsetting for me as I was desperateĀ  to see them, but I didnā€™t get anywhere near them for 24 hours. That wasĀ  hard.

ā€˜Justin took 253 pictures of them to show meĀ  because I went straight to high dependency. The babies had bruised my lungsĀ  because theyā€™d been kicking me so hard.ā€™

Christine left hospital a week later, but herĀ  daughters remained in special care for nine more weeks until they came home atĀ  the end of May. ā€˜I couldnā€™t wait to have them home,ā€™ Christine says. ā€˜I wantedĀ  to be their mother and look after them here.ā€™

Now they have been home for more than a monthĀ  and life has changed beyond all recognition.

Justin has left his job to help care for hisĀ  daughters and plans to be a full-time house husband.

ā€˜Itā€™s pointless me going back to work becauseĀ  my wages would not even cover the childcare,ā€™ he explains.

ā€˜Iā€™m looking forward to it. After all, beingĀ  a long-distance lorry driver and a full-time carer of quads is very similar.Ā  Youā€™ve got to work long hours, the work is very monotonous and you canā€™t takeĀ  your eyes off the ball for a second in case there is an accident!

ā€˜Iā€™m chief nappy changer anyway ā€” I changedĀ  more than 25 yesterday ā€” and it doesnā€™t faze me.

ā€˜I know which girl is which because IĀ  memorise what they are wearing in the morning. But sometimes Christine tricks meĀ  by changing their top. Iā€™ve been caught out a couple of times.ā€™

The couple are not relying on state benefitsĀ  apart from the statutory Ā£60 a week child benefit.

After a yearā€™s maternity leave, ChristineĀ  plans to go back to work part-time because her salary is higher than herĀ  husbandā€™s.

Today, they are surviving on snatches ofĀ  sleep, the benevolence of family and friends and hand-me-downĀ  clothes.

Volunteer nursery nurses are helping themĀ  care for the children, too. The babies get through more than 200 nappies a weekĀ  and at least one box of formula milk every 48 hours.

Admirably, Christine managed to expressĀ  breast milk for the first seven weeks before an infection prevented her fromĀ  continuing.

ā€˜The babies feed every four hours, but itĀ  takes at least an hour to feed all four of them, so by the time youā€™ve finishedĀ  youā€™ve only got two or three hours until the next feed,ā€™ saysĀ  Christine.

ā€˜Itā€™s tiring, of course, but itā€™s not theĀ  kind of tiredness that comes from work. Itā€™s really worthwhile.ā€™

Logistically, itā€™s a nightmare. Anyone withĀ  one š‘š‘Žš‘š‘¦ will know that leaving the house can take for ever. Whatā€™s it like withĀ  four?

ā€˜If we go out, we take two tandem prams, butĀ  if we have to drive I take the four girls in the car and Justin has to walk orĀ  get the bus! We went shopping the other day, and managed to get out of the houseĀ  in just two hours!ā€™

The comments the couple receive fromĀ  strangers will be familiar to any mum of twins or triplets ā€“

ā€˜Youā€™ve got your hands full thereā€™ or ā€˜Oooh,Ā  double/triple/quadruple the troubleā€‰.ā€‰.ā€‰.ā€™

ā€˜I love the fact that people come up to usĀ  and say nice things, but I do feel like saying: ā€œYes thanks, I know!ā€ā€‰ā€™ smilesĀ  Christine.

ā€˜Someone asked me the other day if we wereĀ  going to have any more children. I think the answer to that is absolutelyĀ  not!ā€™