A Tale of Triumph and Grief: Amidst the tragedy, a comatose mother defies odds with a miraculous delivery, only to be followed by heart-wrenching news that weighs heavily on the hearts, leaving a poignant blend of triumph and sorrow.


The mother did not know that she gave birth safely and smoothly. Her life right now is indeed a tough battle.
A woman in the UK gave birth six weeks earlier and was in a coma. This is a very rare birth that has attracted the attention of international media in recent times. Immediately after giving birth, the mother continued her journey to fight the disease.

Miss Emma Taylor from Essex, England, is a dental hygienist. On October 30, 2022, while 7 months pregnant, she suddenly experienced a severe headache of unknown cause. She was then taken to the hospital by her boyfriend Scott Weeks.


Mr Week recounts the incident: “I realized something was wrong when she was tired and fell out of bed. I called an ambulance, but because the situation was so urgent, they still hadn’t arrived. That’s why I drove Emma to the hospital myself. Fortunately, I acted in time, because the doctors said that even a little more delay could lead to serious consequences.”


The mother before the coma.

While supporting Emma, Mr. Weeks noticed that half of the woman’s body was motionless, her right eye half-closed. The doctors decided to deliver Emma’s birth so that they could conduct a CT scan without affecting the fetus. Emma was anesthetized to give birth by emergency caesarean section. Therefore, she gave birth to baby girl Ophelia in a coma. Fortunately, baby Ophelia was born 6 weeks premature but is healthy, safe and without any complications.

After the birth, the doctors immediately performed a CT scan for her. The scan results showed that the mother had a benign brain tumor with a size of 60mm, maybe she had carried this tumor since birth. This tumor caused brain bleeding, so Emma’s right brain and right eye were affected, leaving half of her body paralyzed.


The mother gave birth in a special condition.

Soon after, Emma was immediately taken to another hospital with all the necessary medical equipment. Here, doctors successfully removed 2/3 of the tumor. Despite the successful surgery, Emma remained unconscious for three months. It was only in early January of this year that the woman began to show signs of regaining consciousness.

Mr. Weeks said, due to limited facilities at the rehabilitation center, Emma was transferred to low-intensity rehabilitation. He worries that this will affect Emma’s progress in recovery. About Emma’s situation, Weeks said: ‘She still can’t speak, but is determined to fight the disease to be able to see her daughter.


However, the tumor left her sequelae. Weeks said: ‘Her right eye was blinded by the tumour, and her left body is now only 75% movable. Currently, she can only communicate by moving her head and arms. I’m trying to raise money so she can get the best treatment. She just wanted to get well soon so she could hold her baby. We look forward to receiving the help of sponsors.”

Now everything is just beginning.

Mr. Weeks is currently raising funds on GoFundMe so he can raise enough money for Emma to receive individual rehabilitation treatment. His goal is 630,000 dollars (14.7 billion VND). Many people have sent their words of encouragement and wished the mother a speedy recovery.

Despite the challenges and difficulties she faced, Emma Taylor’s story captured the attention of people around the world. The news of her rare birth while in a coma spread rapidly, and support poured in from all corners. The international media covered her journey, inspiring many with her resilience and determination.


As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Emma’s condition slowly improved. The intensive care she received at the hospital and subsequent rehabilitation efforts began to show promising results. With the support of her loved ones, medical professionals, and the generosity of strangers who donated to her cause, Emma’s recovery began to take shape.


Her indomitable spirit fueled her determination to fight the disease and regain her health for the sake of her newborn daughter, Ophelia. Though Emma couldn’t speak, her communication through head and arm movements spoke volumes of her willpower. Every small step forward in her recovery brought hope and joy to those who had been following her journey.

The funds raised on the GoFundMe campaign enabled Emma to access individualized rehabilitation treatment. With the best medical care available, tailored to her specific needs, she made significant progress in regaining mobility and function. Each milestone she achieved, no matter how small, was celebrated as a triumph over adversity.

Throughout her arduous battle, Emma found solace and strength in the unwavering support of her partner, Scott Weeks. His dedication and tireless efforts to ensure Emma’s well-being and recovery were commendable. Together, they faced the challenges head-on, united by their love for each other and their shared vision of a future where Emma could hold her daughter in her arms.

As time passed, Emma’s progress continued, and her determination never wavered. With the ongoing support of her family, friends, and the wider community, she remained focused on her goal of regaining her health and enjoying the precious moments with her daughter.

Emma’s story serves as a reminder of the incredible resilience of the human spirit and the power of love and support in the face of adversity. Her journey, from the unexpected birth in a coma to her ongoing recovery, inspired countless individuals worldwide. It highlighted the importance of medical advancements, rehabilitation efforts, and the compassion of strangers coming together to make a difference.

Though the road ahead may still be challenging, Emma Taylor’s story is one of hope, courage, and the determination to overcome obstacles. Her unwavering spirit continues to inspire others facing their own battles, reminding them that even in the toughest times, there is always strength within to persevere and emerge victorious.

As Emma’s recovery continues, the world eagerly awaits the day she can hold her daughter in her arms, knowing that her unwavering love and resilience have brought her through this incredible journey.