Charming Chubby Bird Flaunting an Extraordinary Handlebar Moustache


Charming Chubby Bird Flaunting an Extraordinary Handlebar Moustache

Birds are as diverse a species as they are adorable.

From Hammer House Of Horror’s Dracula Parrots to the Salvador Daliesque Inca Tern, birds never ceases to amaze us.

As is the case with a tiny bird known as the Bearded Reedling, (Panurus biarmicus), one bird that can never be confused with another.

I mean how many birds do you know of that can do a perfect split and look like its relaxing.

The Bearded Reedling is about 16.5cm in size with a rather long tail.

“Bearded Reedling M (Panurus biarmicus)” by Smudge 9000 is (cropped) licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

They are easy to spot when out and about because of their unique look.

Just look for a palm-sized bird, egg-shaped and fluffy that likes to rest in branches or stalks doing the splits.

“Bearded Reedling – Hungary_CS4E4579” by fveronesi1 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Males are gingery brown with bluish-gray heads.

They also tend to have black mustache-like markings that go from beneath their eyes down their throats with similar colored streaks beneath their tails.

“File:Bartmeise(Cropped) by Wolfram Riech.jpg” by Kaeptn chemnitz is licensed under CC BY 3.0.

While still very similar to males, females are a little bit different.

They are much paler and don’t have any mustache markings nor black streaks under their tales. They also have darker beaks than males.

“Bearded Reedling F (Panurus biarmicus)” by Smudge 9000 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

This species has an extreme range which is decreasing, but not at alarming rates.

Still, what range they do have left needs to be protected so no more damage is done.

“male bearded tit/reedling” by Nick Goodrum Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Bearded Reedlings are not known for migration, and could be found residing across Europe and Asia all year round.

“male bearded tit/reedling” by Nick Goodrum Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0.