Collection of 230 antique cars found in the warehouse ......


This collection is so well kept that even though many people have lived near the warehouse for 15 years, they are still unaware of its existence.

Collection of 230 classic cars. Photo: Gallery Aeldering .

Recently, more than 230 antique cars of collector Palmen (Netherlands) were found inside 3 warehouses in the Netherlands. According to Carscoop , a series of classic supercars from Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes-Benz or Aston Martins have been hidden by this collector for more than four decades and are carefully maintained.

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Palmen’s collection of antique cars worth millions of dollars. Photo: Gallery Aeldering.

Many people nearby said Mr. Palmen was so secretive that almost no one knew about the existence of this car collection.

“I’ve been here for more than 15 years and still don’t know what’s inside the warehouse. Many times we also ask the landlord to visit the inside of the warehouse but always refused,” a resident living there shared. with the press.

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The cars are covered in dirt from being stored in the warehouse for four decades. Photo: Gallery Aeldering.

Up to now, for various reasons, Mr. Palmen has transferred all cars to the Aaldering showroom. Aaldering representative said that this is a large-scale secret car collection and the best condition ever.

The showroom is now partnering with Classic Cars Auctions to open online auctions for all of the cars in the collection. The list of cars being auctioned includes Maserati 3500 GTI S 1962, BMW 1600 GT 1968, Aston Martin V8 Series 3 1972,…