The cat, which we will talk about today, wandered the streets in Orlando, Florida for a long time. One day he went to someone’s backyard, where he was noticed by the hostess of the house.
The woman immediately noticed that something was wrong with the kitten. The kid jumped up like a rabbit, and then stopped …
The owner of the house asked for help from a girl named Jennifer, who founded the Wedgefield Kitty project. She took the baby to the hospital, where it turned out that he had a disease called radial hypoplasia. This is a congenital condition in which the bones are poorly developed.
Due to the disease, the kitten’s front paws were severely twisted, so he moved by jumping.
But this is not all the problems of the animal! It turned out that the poor fellow also had the feline immunodeficiency virus.
They named the baby Hubble and began looking for a home for him. Of course, few people were interested in a disabled pet, but one day a woman named Debbie saw pictures of a cat on the Internet. She decided to take the special purr home and take care of him.
Hubble immediately showed sympathy for the new mistress, jumping into her arms.
It turned out that the cat loves not only people, but also other animals. He gets along well with small kittens, allowing them to lie down side by side.
The fact is that Debbie is a volunteer, so new pets often appear in her house, for which she is looking for a home.
Hubble greets the cats with an air of importance, sitting at the front doors.

Hubble is happy to take care of the kids, washing them and warming them with its warmth.
This is an amazingly gentle cat that is very affectionate to everyone around.
Kittens lucky enough to meet Hubble don’t feel that the pet is special. They only feel the warmth and love that this amazing cat is ready to share!
MURlyka seems to play the role of a caring father.
The owner of Hubble says that her pet understands how important it is to help other cats, because once he himself really needed help.
So much love in those huge cat eyes…