Discover the captivating black-throated chickadee – flaunting a striking “bandit mask” adorning its eyes


Discover the captivating black-throated chickadee – flaunting a striking “bandit mask” adorning its eyes

The name of this bird is not the only amazing thing about it, it is also an absolute pleasure to watch it.
These birds are tiny, being only 4 inches long and weighing about 4-9 grams.

Sporting multi-colored feathers, with a black “bandit mask” around the eyes as well as white and orange-brown spots throughout.
Their food consists of berries, seeds, smaller insects and spiders.

It is found in open hardwood and pine forests, often at medium elevations.


They are very social birds, often traveling in large flocks of up to 40 birds.

Black-throated Bushtits are found from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains across India and through countries like Bangladesh and Taiwan.

These beautiful photos are taken by Chen Chengguang, a Taiwanese wildlife photographer specializing in bird photography.

These photos are so clear that you can’t help but imagine what it would be like to pet these sweet birds.