Embracing the Art of Dance: A Journey through Pregnancy and Pole Dancing _ Baby Joy Express


“You are truly about to embark on the most incredible, special journey. When it comes to pole, be sensible as now is not the time to test your limits! However, only you will know what feels right so trust yourself and trust your instincts when poling during/after pregnancy; the journey is so different for everyone. Also, the cliche is 100% true – they grow up too fast so enjoy every single moment. Sure, I would love to be able to squeeze in an extra training session or two during the week, but I will never feel guilty about choosing to spend that time with my baby as I will never get it back. No matter how little or often you choose to pole, it will contribute to you being the best mum you can be. Do whatever works for you and most importantly – don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Good luck! 

“Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. Everyone shapes differently during pregnancy. Try not to compare yourself to others. Find the love and joy in your journey as it will only last 9 months. Embrace the feelings you have, journal about them, talk to your friends about them and be open to have those feelings just try not to let them overrun you. Surround yourself with friends and family that are supportive.  Listen to your body if you continue your pole journey- remember just because your friend was doing a certain move at “x” weeks doesn’t mean you need to do the same. Embrace your journey and enjoy the life you are creating.

“Your journey back is both physical and emotional. It’s not just about getting your body back or your strength back. It’s about getting your confidence back. Also your progress is not linear. It’s up and down. Expect there to be days when you feel like ‘I’m back’ and then the next time you train to feel like you’ll never be the pole dancer you once were. It feels impossible… but remember that everything you could do before having your baby at one point felt impossible too, until you did it. Be patient and self compassionate with yourself.

“For during: Be kind to yourself. Follow doctor recommendations. TAKE PICTURES AND VIDEO!!! Whether it’s on or off the pole, document your journey. If you choose to continue to work out, don’t go crazy trying to compare yourself to others. Focus on your own journey and enjoy it.

For after: Still, be kind to yourself and don’t compare your journey to anyone else. Take it slow coming back. Things will be different, so embrace the changes and look at the big picture- you now have this perfect little person you created. And, make time for yourself, even if it’s only a little time here or there.”

“Being pregnant is weird, it’s a challenge physically and emotionally. The good thing about it all though, is my body did need a break after 10 years. Also what’s to come of this temporary state will be very rewarding. I can get my strength back, I can get my finesse back; it’s just on hold for right now for other purposes. However it doesn’t mean I won’t be involved. I can still move and wear heels. I can still do the majority of my exotic movement as long as I’m not on my stomach and stay on the ground. It’s just basic movement for the time being and I’ll be back next year ready to hit the ground running.”

“Don’t rush yourself or have expectations that the first day you jump back on the pole you will be where you were 9 months ago. Your body just produced a beautiful human and needs time to heal. Start over like you are a beginner and recondition your skin and your endurance. It will take time but you will come back stronger than ever!!! Pole is now my therapy and my time for myself more than ever and I have a higher appreciation for it because of that.