Explore these nine charming crimson avian species worth spotting _ BirdBuddies


When you catch sight of a petite red bird in your backyard, your first instinct might be to assume it’s a cardinal. However, it’s worth taking a second glance as there are other avian species that also boast bright red plumage.

northern cardinal

Rex Thompson, a reader of Birds & Blooms, happily shared his experience of successfully capturing a Northern Cardinal, also known as a red bird, posing in his backyard this summer. His gear was ready to seize the moment and he didn’t miss the chance to take some amazing photos. If you’re a fan of these beautiful birds, check out 25 breathtaking cardinal bird pictures.


vermilion flycatcher

Joseph Mandy had a memorable experience while camping with his wife and stepson at Garner State Park in Texas. Despite the windy conditions on Saturday afternoon, they were greeted by the unexpected appearance of a vermilion flycatcher. Joseph was amazed as he viewed this beautiful bird through his binocular lens and couldn’t believe his luck in witnessing such a stunning creature.

scarlet tanager


Victoria Martel, a bird enthusiast, has recently developed an interest in birding during the quarantine period. She captured an image of a male scarlet tanager while spending her Memorial Day weekend at her parents’ log home in northern Michigan. The bird made a brief appearance that lasted only 15 seconds before hiding in the woods. Martel’s photography skills are impressive, and her collection of stunning images of blue-colored birds is worth checking out.

summer tanager

Stacey Aldridge has been fond of birds for as long as she can remember. Her pursuit of capturing a photograph of a male summer tanager in its breeding plumage began last year; however, it was unsuccessful. This year, she was presented with the ideal chance and managed to capture a perfect shot.

red bird, purple finch

252622586 1 Frank Rodin Bnb Bypc2020

Frank Rodin snapped a photo of a red-headed woodpecker in the Spring near his residence in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. These colorful birds have recently made a resurgence in his region after being absent for many years. Mr. Rodin enjoys taking photos of them and could keep himself occupied for an entire day doing so. If you’re interested, take a look at 11 stunning green birds that are worth seeing.

red bird, common redpoll

Erik Huebler shared an amazing photo of a common redpoll bird that he took during February 2018, which happened to be an irruption year. He had to use 300 pounds of nyjer thistle seed in that month alone to attract the birds to his camera lens. If you’re a fan of beautiful images of red birds, be sure to check out these 20 stunning pictures of finches.

274943882 1 Bernadette Banville Bnb Bypc 2021

Bernadette Banville shared her recent bird-watching experience at Swan Cemetery in Providence, Rhode Island. She noticed an unusual peeping sound similar to American goldfinches and decided to investigate. As she took some photos, she was surprised to see a pink/red bird that looked like a female goldfinch. She showed her photos to another bird-watcher who identified the bird as a white-winged crossbill. Bernadette felt proud to have spotted this rare bird species and shared her excitement with others. Swan Cemetery has always been a popular spot for bird enthusiasts throughout the year, and this discovery added to the charm of the place.

how to attract birds, Bnbugc Bradley Peschong, red bird

Bradley Peschong kindly provided us with a picture of a charming male house finch frolicking in the snow. To expand your knowledge, discover techniques for recognizing small brown birds that might catch your eye.