Golden Enchantment: Mesmerizing Portraits of the Graceful Goldfinch


Golden Enchantment: Mesmerizing Portraits of the Graceful Goldfinch


251845902 1 Debbie Maner Bnb Bypc2020


Debbie Maner shares her delightful experience of growing sunflowers in her field for the first time and keeping them in vases on her front porch. One day, she was thrilled to see a couple of American goldfinches relishing sunflower seeds from the spent flowers. She refilled the vase and observed the goldfinches closely. Debbie captured this moment by taking a picture of the goldfinches. Overall, she felt privileged to witness such a precious encounter with nature.

252003400 1 Jim Dickson Bnb Bypc2020

Jim Dickson shared a delightful experience of observing American goldfinches in his wife’s succulent garden, which was placed on their deck railing. The vibrant and colorful birds were attracted to the bird feeder located in close proximity. Jim used his camera on a tripod with a wireless remote trigger to capture stunning shots of the birds feasting on sunflower seeds sprinkled on the succulents. It was an enjoyable sight to witness the finches swarming around both the feeder and the succulent garden. If you want to spot American goldfinches in your backyard, here’s how to identify them.

252166530 1 Bob Wyble Bnb Bypc2020

Bob Wyble captured a stunning image of a male American goldfinch at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Stevens, Pennsylvania. The vibrant bird can be seen feeding on thistle seeds in its natural habitat, making for a beautiful and authentic shot.

254021757 1 Craig Gemming Bnb Bypc2020

Craig Gemming, a nature lover, cherishes the spring season when a diverse range of birds flock to his backyard feeders. He and his wife relish watching these feathered creatures perch on their nearby crabapple tree before and after feeding. The pink flowers on the tree make for a delightful sight during this season. One fine morning, Craig managed to capture a beautiful picture of a male American Goldfinch perched high up on the treetop. With the air being quite chilly that day, the bird was seen all puffed up trying to keep itself warm.

275031448 1 Katrina Ackley Bnb Bypc 2021

Katrina Ackley shares a delightful photo of a goldfinch trying to get rid of the snow in her backyard. The bird seems to be saying enough is enough, as it tries to clear the snow away. It’s an adorable sight and highlights how even nature can show signs of being fed up with winter. The picture was taken in Clearville, Pennsylvania.

277259062 1 Joseph Motto Bnb Bypc 2021

Joseph Motto captured a photo of a male American goldfinch getting a snack in late August. The garden adjacent to Motto’s home in Wisconsin was the setting for this picture, taken as the milkweed pods were bursting open. What makes the photo special, according to Motto, is the goldfinch’s expression and perfect pose.

277582342 1 Becca Ahrensfeld Bnb Bypc 2021

According to Becca Ahrensfeld, a male goldfinch indulged in the sunflowers in their garden while a bee buzzed around. She appreciates how the flower serves multiple purposes, providing beauty for humans, pollen for bees, and seeds for birds once it has bloomed.

278016653 1 Kathy Bryant Bnb Bypc 2021

Kathy Bryant shared a photo of a charming goldfinch on standby for the arrival of spring. Unfortunately, an icy storm in February caught the bird off guard. The picture was taken by Kathy in Virginia, where the trees were covered in ice.

278029014 1 Kathy Dennehey Bnb Bypc 2021, goldfinch pictures

Kathy Dennehey, an avid photographer and nature enthusiast, often visits a nearby learning garden to take pictures and seek refuge amidst the flora and fauna. She frequently encounters goldfinches during her strolls, but they are generally too quick for her to capture with her usual camera gear. On this particular occasion, she brought her specialized birding equipment and was delighted to see numerous goldfinches enjoying the end-of-season sunflowers and rudbeckias. One of these feathered beauties remained unfazed by her presence and busily inspected all the sunflower heads while she observed and snapped away.

278074878 1 Lea Beard Bnb Bypc 2021, goldfinch pictures

Lea Beard recalls a delightful moment when she spotted a male goldfinch feeding on seeds in her patio’s pot of red salvia during the summer. She was struck by how the bird appeared to pose for her camera, and she couldn’t help but admire its beauty. Meanwhile, Christy Brucks shares that one winter in North Dakota was particularly harsh, with frequent snowstorms and heavy snowfall. Despite the weather, she found some solace in watching fluffed-out birds eating seeds from her lilac bushes. Among them was a bright yellow goldfinch that brought a glimmer of light to an otherwise dreary day.

Bnbbyc17 Ingrid Fehr, goldfinch pictures

Ingrid Fehr shares a delightful experience of having a goldfinch pay a visit to her sunny backyard. The serendipitous moment occurred when the bird landed on a sunflower that had grown from birdseed. Ingrid and her husband were sitting on the patio, but the friendly goldfinch didn’t seem to mind their presence as it hopped from the feeder to the sunflower. Ingrid was fascinated by the bird’s full plumage and saw an opportunity to take a picture from just five feet away. According to her, it was beginner’s luck, and the picture turned out to be a treasure.

Bnbbyc17 Jessica Letizia 1, goldfinch pictures

Jessica Letizia shared a stunning photo of a bird surrounded by a lovely bush of yellow bells she took in Burnsville, North Carolina. The bright yellow hues add a beautiful glow to the image. If you’re a fan of yellow, consider growing one of the top 10 classic yellow flowers.

Bnbbyc17 Maribeth Vanderwoude, goldfinch pictures

Maribeth Vanderwoude shared an enchanting photo of a goldfinch perched on a snowy bird bath in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Since snow is not a common sight in the area, the bird was probably surprised to find the white stuff in its usual watering hole. Despite the unexpected change, the goldfinch looked stunning with its colorful feathers standing out against the white background. Vanderwoude also noticed the little specks of snow on the bird’s beak as it searched for water beneath the snowflakes.

Bnbbyc17 Ray Mueller, goldfinch pictures

Ray Mueller, an enthusiastic nature photographer, was able to capture a unique moment in time. He observed two American goldfinches that had flown onto his patio in search of seeds from his sunflowers. Although the scene appeared peaceful and loving at first, it turned out to be quite the opposite. The two birds had engaged in a heated battle for position on the flower. Ray captured this fascinating spectacle through an open kitchen window, and the brightly colored bird on the top right emerged victorious.

Bnbbyc18 Sherri Woodbridge, goldfinch pictures

According to Sherri Woodbridge, the American goldfinch captured in her photograph looked back over its shoulder while perched on her raspberry vines during one summer. Woodbridge found the image beautiful and appreciated the angle of the bird’s gaze.