Leo is an ordinary FIV+ cat who was taken from Cat Shelter Felix in the fall of 2021, because he was sleeping in the leaves next to the cemetery in the rain and wind. Tested, neutered and taken to the asylum in the fall of 2021, writes Minja cat.
In the asylum, he behaved like a real teddy bear, he cuddled with them , with other cats, there were no problems with him until they noticed that he was dragging and that his coat was not the brightest.
He was taken to the vet and the agony begins, one finding, another finding, biochemistry, hormones. And in the meantime, he turned yellow. He was getting weaker, he was eating less, he even got to IV, and while they were thinking about surgery, his temperature drops to 36 and he literally collapses.
“And then we come to what we hate the most, which is to make a decision about someone’s life, and at that moment I know that he has nothing left to lose, I know that surgery is a risk in that condition, but I also know that it must be do,” they wrote from the asylum.
Leo was operated on and although they didn’t know if he would leave the hall alive , he did survive and they found out what was wrong with him. For some reason, he had been eating sprinkles, pebbles, sand for months and that mass clogged his stomach, bile ducts, caused terrible edema on the intestines, jaundice.
After almost 2 months of heroic and heroic struggle , this FIV+ guy overcame jaundice, hepatitis, severe stomach surgery, bruh. He was on the brink of death several times, but he won.
For the employees of the asylum, Felix is not an ordinary FIV+ street cat, he is their soft bear whom they love very much, one of their heroes.