Life-Saving Alert: Pregnant Mother's Warning About Itch Instantly Rescues Baby's Life_babies


Ignoring an intense itch during pregnancy could be a matter of life and death for your baby, as one expectant mother’s cautionary tale reveals.

Entering the final trimester of her pregnancy, Christina DePino was experiencing intense itching that persisted throughout her pregnancy. She took to Facebook to express her frustration with this persistent itching, unaware that her actions would eventually save her daughter’s life.

“At first, I was itching all over, but it eventually transitioned to my palms and the soles of my feet,” Christina explained. “It got to the point where I couldn’t sleep at night… my hands and feet would bleed from scratching.”

After sharing her ordeal on Facebook, some of Christina’s friends informed her that she may be suffering from a hormonal disorder affecting the liver called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), which could potentially lead to fetal demise, as reported by Faithit.

Immediately, she contacted her doctor for an examination. At 35 weeks pregnant, DePino searched for the disorder online and learned about the potential risks to her baby’s life. Worried, she promptly reached out to her doctor and underwent testing to determine whether she indeed had the condition.

She was diagnosed with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and proceeded to induce labor at 37 weeks to mitigate any health issues her daughter might face.

“As soon as I could hold my beautiful baby girl in my arms, I started asking myself, ‘What if?’” DePino said. “What if I hadn’t complained on Facebook? What if nobody had told me about this condition? I felt like I had to warn other women. I didn’t want any of them to wonder what had happened to their perfectly healthy babies.”

Her mission became warning other mothers about the signs and symptoms of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, and to do so, she turned to where it all began: Facebook.

DePino wrote a post that has now been shared over 57,000 times, urging other mothers to contact their doctors immediately if they experience any symptoms of the condition—to become their own advocates.

“I want to encourage pregnant women suffering from severe itching to be their own advocates,” DePino stated. “Learn about the signs and symptoms and contact your doctor. Don’t ignore the itch, a simple blood test can save your baby’s life.”

By sharing her story and spreading awareness, Christina DePino hopes to empower pregnant women to take their symptoms seriously and seek medical attention promptly. Her experience serves as a reminder of the importance of listening to our bodies and advocating for our own health and the well-being of our unborn children.

DePino’s post resonated with many expectant mothers, and her message quickly gained traction. Women from around the world began sharing their own experiences with itching during pregnancy and expressing gratitude for DePino’s warning. The post sparked conversations among medical professionals and expectant mothers alike, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing potential complications during pregnancy.


Healthcare providers also took note of DePino’s story and the subsequent increase in inquiries about intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. They started actively discussing the condition with their patients and implementing routine screenings for symptoms such as itching, particularly in the palms and soles of the feet. This proactive approach allowed for early detection and intervention, potentially saving the lives of unborn babies.

As the awareness campaign gained momentum, various organizations dedicated to women’s health joined forces to disseminate information about intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. They collaborated to develop educational materials, host webinars, and create online support groups for women experiencing similar symptoms. The goal was to empower expectant mothers with knowledge and encourage them to seek medical assistance promptly.

DePino’s advocacy also led to significant advancements in medical research related to intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Researchers and scientists focused their efforts on studying the condition, its causes, and potential treatments. They aimed to better understand the underlying mechanisms and develop more effective interventions to mitigate risks for both the mother and the baby.

In the years following DePino’s Facebook post, the rates of early detection and successful management of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy significantly increased. Expectant mothers became more proactive in discussing their symptoms with healthcare providers, leading to improved outcomes for both maternal and fetal health.

Christina DePino’s personal experience and determination to spread awareness had a profound impact on the lives of countless mothers and their babies. Through her bravery and advocacy, she not only saved her own daughter but also empowered women around the world to prioritize their health and advocate for proper medical care during pregnancy. Her story stands as a reminder that even a seemingly insignificant symptom should never be ignored, as it could hold the key to preserving the precious lives of our little ones.

In conclusion, Christina DePino’s courageous act of sharing her experience and raising awareness about intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy had a significant impact on expectant mothers worldwide. Her Facebook post served as a catalyst for change, prompting discussions among healthcare providers, empowering women to seek medical assistance, and driving advancements in research and intervention for this condition.

DePino’s story is a testament to the power of advocacy and the importance of listening to our bodies during pregnancy. By not dismissing her intense itching and taking action, she potentially saved her daughter’s life and inspired countless others to do the same. Her dedication to spreading awareness serves as a reminder that every symptom, no matter how seemingly insignificant, should be taken seriously, as it could be a signal of an underlying health issue.

Through DePino’s efforts, expectant mothers became more informed, healthcare providers became more proactive in screening and addressing potential complications, and medical research advanced to improve outcomes for both mother and baby. Her story continues to resonate, reminding us of the critical role each of us can play in advocating for our own health and the well-being of our children.

Christina DePino’s journey not only brought about positive change but also created a supportive community where women could find solace, share their experiences, and seek guidance. Her advocacy will continue to make a lasting impact on the lives of future generations of mothers and their babies, serving as a reminder to never underestimate the power of raising one’s voice for the greater good.