Miracle Warrior Baby Survives and Thrives at Just 268 Grams_babies


This baby managed to survive a premature birth, being born at just 22 weeks due to a growth issue, weighing a mere 268 grams, and defying the worst prognoses.

"This baby surpassed the record set by a baby born in Germany in 2009, who was born weighing 274 grams and survived despite their critical condition.

It is the first time that a baby born with such low weight has been discharged from the hospital and returned home safe and sound. The little one remained in intensive care at Keio Hospital in Tokyo, Japan for five months."

"The survival rate for babies born weighing less than 300 grams is very low, especially when it comes to males," a clinic representative stated in a press release.

"When the baby was born, he was so small that he could fit in the palm of an adult's hand," one of the doctors said.

Takeshi Arimitsu, the doctor in charge of the case, said, "After five months in intensive care at the neonatology department, the baby managed to reach a weight of 3.2 kilograms. Even when a baby is born so small, there is a possibility for them to leave the hospital in good health."

The mother of the child expressed her gratitude and happiness to the media, stating that she was thankful for the outcome after going through such challenging days.

"I am happy that he has gained weight. Honestly, I didn't believe he could survive," she said.

The woman, who chose not to disclose her identity, expressed her relief in overcoming the moments of pain and uncertainty when she didn't know if her little one could survive a dire prognosis.

According to UNICEF data, Japan has the lowest newborn mortality rate in the world. Remarkably, 90% of neonates weighing less than one kilogram manage to survive in the country.

However, for babies born weighing less than 300 grams, the chances decrease to less than 50%.

Fortunately, this baby's case is among the favorable statistics, and it has provided hope to other families who are experiencing similar situations. Many have labeled it as a miracle.

The family has expressed their gratitude to the medical staff for their extraordinary work, and now they can enjoy the arrival of their little one and watch him grow without any health complications.

It is heartwarming to see how this little one has transformed. Truly, nothing is impossible. Don't forget to share their story on your social media before you go.