Mountain Bulbul: The Majestic Songbird of High Altitudes

Mountain bulbul – Mountain bulbul, 12/2018, Da Lat


Mountain twig is a medium to large sized species in the twig group (about 22 cm). The bird has a prominent gray crest with many small white stripes, light olive green upper body and wings, white underside with many dark gray stripes. Males and females are similar.


Mountain bulbul is medium to large sized bulbul (about 22 cm). It has a  distinctive grey crest with whitish small streaks, bright olive upperparts and wings, and whitish underparts with heavily grey streaks. Both sexes are similar.

Interesting information

Interesting facts:

Mountain bulbul – Mountain bulbul, 12/2018, Da Lat
Mountain bulbul, Mang Den, 2/2022

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