Mystical Camouflage Owls: A Captivating Collection of Enigma and Wonder


Mystical Camouflage Owls: A Captivating Collection of Enigma and Wonder

"Remarkable Photographs Reveal a Mottled Owl Perfectly Concealed in its Tree Aerie"

Blake Hess, 47, captured stunning images of this remarkable creature's camouflage technique in Colorado, US, following the owl family for five years. The mottled owl remains nearly invisible to the naked eye as it safeguards its nest in the tree.

Courier Captures Elusive Eastern Screech Owl Concealed Within Tree Fissure

The courier successfully apprehended an Eastern Screech Owl, which had taken refuge within a crevice in the tree to protect itself from predators.

With its pigments mimicking the tree's bark, and its round visual organ detecting the camera's lens, the owl's camouflage was truly extraordinary.

Blake Hess, 47, Masterfully Captures Owl's Camouflage in Colorado, US, After Years of Dedication

After closely observing the same owl family for five years, Blake Hess skillfully documented the owl's remarkable camouflage technique in Colorado.

At first glance, the owl remains completely undetected, nestled within the tree, with only its distinctive feathers peeking out from the side of a branch.

Viewers have been astonished by this incredible animal, which Blake revealed spends most of its day sitting on its eggs and caring for them.

In his interview with the Sun, Blake shared, "These are the photos we've all dreamed of. Locating this nest site and these small Eastern Screech Owls is quite difficult, but when you do, it really pays off. This is why I photograph these special situations, so I can share them with other nature enthusiasts."


During the entire daylight period, he noticed the raptor diligently incubating its eggs, and later, it would extend and move around before settling low to care for its offspring.

The raptor expertly concealed itself within the tree's vegetation in Colorado when Blake coincidentally discovered it earlier this year.

Over the course of multiple days, Blake closely observed the same pair, documenting their behaviors and gaining insights into how they thrive in today's world through adaptation and evolution.

Owls are equipped with an exceptional sensory apparatus and aerodynamic plumage, enabling them to hunt with remarkable stealth and efficiency. Their auditory acuity surpasses that of humans by a factor of ten, and they possess two types of feathers – down feathers and contour feathers – that aid in silent flight and grasping prey. These attributes, combined with their ability to blend into the visual landscape, make owls formidable predators.

Owls lay their eggs singularly, with intervals of 1 to 2 days, but this pattern becomes more irregular after the initial few hatchlings. The newly hatched owlets emerge blind and have only a thin veneer of natal down, making their maternal figures exceptionally vigilant.

Returning to the same nesting spot where he had previously documented the Eastern Screech owls, Blake once again had the opportunity to observe this species up close. The owls, known for their prominent ear tufts that are often erected, allowed Blake to study their distinctive plumage and behavior.

Despite being a common sight throughout much of North America, the Eastern Screech owl remains a fascinating subject of study for any wildlife enthusiast.

The intricate and mottled bands and markings of the Eastern Screech-owl provide superb camouflage against tree trunks.

Blake described these images as "the ideal we all aspire to," and he firmly believed that diligently pursuing the perfect shot "undoubtedly yields results." He felt gratified to capture the owl concealed within a tree hollow and later perched on top of the tree and its branches.