Photographer Preserves Final Days of Newborn for Everlasting Family Memories


In a heartrending series of images, a grieving family encapsulated the poignant moments shared between twin brothers, the sole instance they would exist side by side, before one of them tragically succumbed. Lyndsay and Matthew Brentlinger, who had long struggled with infertility, welcomed a pair of twins into their lives on December 17. Amid their quest to conceive, this joyous couple, Lyndsay and Matthew Brentlinger, found themselves even more elated upon the arrival of their first set of twins. Nevertheless, their journey to unblemished happiness was far from straightforward, as for a substantial period, it appeared that one member of the twin duo might not survive past a certain juncture.


The narrative of the Ohio couple's twins commenced in 2016, a few days preceding the Christmas season. Although their initial appearance suggested good health, the male twin of the pair embarked on a struggle for survival following his birth. Shortly thereafter, little William was diagnosed with a heart defect discovered through prenatal assessments, thereby arming both doctors and parents with a preparedness for the potential worst-case scenario. Lyndsay recounted, "Upon identifying an anomaly in the heart, they directed me toward maternal fetal medicine for further evaluation."

Despite being aware of their son's impending departure, the couple managed to bring him home, and for 11 precious days, they reveled in the fleeting moments they could share. The parents, who had endured initial hardships, were deeply affected by the situation, and their circle of friends couldn't remain passive either. Thus, collectively agreeing upon a plan, they endeavored to uplift the couple's spirits. The chosen remedy was a family photoshoot, a gesture intended to seize those untroubled and exquisite instances that had eluded them in the outset.

Lindsey Brown, the photographer they enlisted, adeptly accommodated the young parents within her jam-packed holiday schedule, affirming, "The moment I learned of their wish, I felt an immediate obligation to fulfill it. How could anyone, in good conscience, turn down such a heartfelt plea?"

Mandy Edwards, the orchestrator of the surprise, was acutely conscious of the ticking clock, as neither the family, friends, nor even the medical experts were privy to the remaining time young William had. The photographer remarked, "The perfection of these little ones is simply astonishing. At the time of the photoshoot, they weighed just a few kilograms, and during the session, young William exhibited awareness, responding to the lights, while his sibling Reagan slumbered, only occasionally unveiling his eyes. The experience was profoundly poignant, as everything appeared so picturesque, and no one would have discerned any ailment afflicting little William."

Regrettably, a few days following the photoshoot, young Will bid us farewell, having graced this world for a mere 11 days. As per the parents' testament, those were the most precious 11 days of their existence, and the captured moments from that period will eternally evoke the splendor of those times. Lindsey, the photographer, also recounted the babies with deep sentiment, sharing, "The knowledge that these photographs will be a lifelong source of solace for them, eventually becoming a testament to Reagan as she matures, fills my heart with an indescribable warmth."