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"When he was born, Atlas McHugh had an average size of 7 pounds and 14 ounces. However, just two months later, he experienced a remarkable and unexpected growth spurt."

At 80cm tall and only 10 months old, baby Atlas is already an impressive 13kg, which is over two stone. He's growing steadily and rapidly, to the point where he now has to wear clothing meant for two-year-olds. Even his mother, 30-year-old Nabille McHugh, finds it challenging to hold him without needing to switch sides or seek support from her leg.

Nabille reveals, "Whenever someone holds him, there's always a comment about his size. Whether it's their back hurting or their arms struggling to handle him, people can't help but share their thoughts. Most people who aren't family members assume he's a toddler and are shocked when I tell them he's still an infant."

Atlas's growth rate is astonishing, and he's outgrowing his clothes at a remarkable pace. Nabille reflects, "He's currently wearing 24-month-sized clothing, and this is the longest period we've managed to stay in this size. However, he never really fit into newborn sizes. The doctors aren't concerned, though, as his weight and height are proportionate on the growth chart. He's simply bigger overall, with no weight-related issues whatsoever."

The adorable little one has even become an internet sensation, capturing widespread attention with his size, after Nabille shared a video of him on TikTok, accompanied by the song "Big and Chunky" from Madagascar.

Nabille shares her experience, saying, "Honestly, I was scared. I woke up to countless notifications, friend requests, and emails flooding my social media. Reading some of the comments was truly overwhelming. Every now and then, there are negative and nasty remarks about my son or accusations of me being a bad parent because of his size. Many people even claim that I used a filter to make him appear that big, which I find utterly hilarious."

Nabille, hailing from Denver, discovered she was expecting her second child with her husband, Tyler McHugh, when she was only three weeks pregnant. She mentions that her pregnancy was stress-free, and her baby bump remained a normal size, despite Atlas measuring two weeks ahead. Although she initially planned for a natural birth, Nabille ended up having a C-section due to her petite frame.

"When I first laid eyes on him, I fell in love. His impressive stature definitely takes after his dad's side of the family, as my side of the family is on the shorter side while my husband's side is all six feet and above. Atlas was an average size for a newborn, but he started experiencing a growth spurt between two and four months, and he has been steadily growing ever since," she adds.

Nabille aspires to use her TikTok videos to promote the understanding that babies come in various shapes and sizes. She expresses her thoughts by saying, "I simply want to normalize bigger babies. Big babies have always existed, but social media hasn't. Just because a baby is larger or smaller than average doesn't automatically mean they are unhealthy or something is wrong with them. Babies come in all shapes and sizes, and I know this firsthand because I have two kids—one was tiny and the other was big."