“Short Chain Tragedy: A Heartbreaking Tale of a Dog Unable to Rest His Head_dogs


Cala was in an extremely poor state, suffering from injuries, malnutrition, and being restrained by a small chain around her neck that prevented her from even laying her head on a pile of rags beneath her. Her suffering was due to her being employed as a guard dog in Costa Rica by a mechanic who did not provide her with proper care and nourishment. The situation was so dire that Cala found it challenging to breathe because she had to keep her head up all the time. There was a risk of her hanging herself with the chain if she lowered her head. If she hadn’t been rescued, her chances of survival would have been slim.

Thankfully, Cala’s situation was brought to the attention of both the police and Territorio de Zaguates, a dog sanctuary in Costa Rica. Lya Battle, the founder of the sanctuary, expressed feeling a mix of sadness and frustration upon hearing about the incident.


Upon my first encounter with Cala, I couldn’t help but notice a heartbreaking sight. She appeared to be a dejected and hopeless creature, stripped of all dignity and on the brink of giving up. Her spirit seemed crushed, and she was simply enduring the tormenting nightmare that was her existence.

Fortunately, rescuers were able to help Cala by bringing her to a doctor who could address her severe emaciation and heal the chain injuries found on her neck. After receiving necessary medical attention, Cala was sent to Territorio de Zuguates where she could begin the process of healing both physically and emotionally.


According to Lya, the man’s neck had been cut due to being hung from a taut metal chain for several years. Although he was recovering slowly and had not shown any signs of discomfort yet, the injury still caused him pain. Lya went through similar distress while looking after him, but eventually understood that her suffering brought forth love and rewards. As a result, she learned to cope with the situation like a champion.

Lya has a theory that Cala may have had limited interaction with other dogs in her past or was trained to attack them. At the sanctuary, Cala struggled to connect with other dogs initially, but her attitude towards them gradually shifted. According to Lya, Cala underwent an incredible transformation from being a helpless, depressed animal to a more resilient one, ready to defend herself. As time went on, Cala’s personality evolved, and she began to add playfulness and haughtiness to her daily routine. We had the opportunity to observe Cala’s progress every day, as she went from fearfully avoiding people to seeking their attention and affection.