The Adorable Bird Whose Name Perfectly Matches Its Cuteness!


The Adorable Bird Whose Name Perfectly Matches Its Cuteness!

Language evolves over time and the meaning of many words has evolved with it.

So what seemed perfectly normal, even logical, one hundred years ago can bring a giggle today.

Here’s a bird though that if it knew it was being laughed at, would, in likelihood take a very dim view of it. Extremely territorial with other birds, this is a no-nonsense bird. Luckily for us though, Willy Wagtails (Rhipidura leucophry) are quite friendly with humans.

Meet the Willy Wagtail.


Photo Courtesy of Graham Cook – Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Who came up with giving this bird the name Willy, I don’t know, however, there is a real reason, as you’ll see later for the Wagtail part.

Though by today’s standards it may have a silly name, it sort of goes hand in hand with the bird’s whole cuteness factor.

They were given the name Wagtails because they do sort of wag their tails.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram | @browning.ken

Mind you, it’s more like a whole-body movement than a deliberate move of the birds tail.

Alongside tail wagging the bird also has very distinctive coloring.

Their backs and tails are black as well as a patch on their snowy white chest.


Photo Courtesy of Instagram | @outbackstyle

Then, of course, they have those white “eyebrows” that make them look seriously unimpressed with how funny you find their name.

However, as previously mentioned they do seem to like humans.

Willy Wagtails are common throughout much of Australia and Southeastern Asia and are easily seen in urban areas.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram | @robertokoenigluck
It’s not uncommon for one to hop right up close to a human or even perch on someone to get a better vantage point for hunting insects to munch on.