The Challenges of Formula Feeding: A Mother's Perspective_babies


There you go. Constance Hall has called it And let’s be honest, she is kind of right.

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, Constance Hall has shared a gorgeous image of herself tandem feeding the twins. It is her caption that has us all in awe of her and her total honesty yet again. “There is no right or wrong. There is simply the way of the Queen.”


“It’s international breast feeding week.

Which is just rad.

Breasts are beautiful,


Babies are beautiful, 

And nothing beats a baby with a full tummy,” writes Constance.


“Breast feeding mums deserve all the praise in the world, they are glorious selfless super beings.

And do you know who what other glorious, selfless super beings deserve all the praise in the world?

Formula feeding mums.

I started full time formula feeding the twins at around 5 months and guess what? It’s no joy ride either.

In fact, in some ways it’s harder then breast feeding. Making milk, cleaning bottles. That’s not fun.

But I was able to pass on some work load to Bill and my mum and pretty much anyone who walked into my house and that made the world of difference.

It took me 4 babies to learn that I wasn’t getting any medals for making life hard for myself.

Boy do I know that now.

I owe the majority of my mental health and happiness to my shortcuts.

Formula feeding is not giving up on breastfeeding. Just as much as breastfeeding is not giving up on formula.

There is no right or wrong. There is simply the way of the Queen.”

“I hope that all the breastfeeding posts make breastfeeding mums feel special, because you are.

But I really hope that they don’t make formula feeding mums feel any less special.

Because we are all pretty fucking special is you ask me.

And anyone who soldiers on through the trials and tribulations of feeding a baby should be celebrated this week and every week.

The secret is that most of the time doing what is best for you and doing what is best for your baby are the exact same thing.”

Within the last hour Con’s post has already received 10K reactions and over 700 shares.

As you can imagine her post has been met with mixed response. Constance adds in the comments, “It actually shocks me that so many people are so interested in how other people are feeding their babies….

Everyone should just worry about their own baby and leave other mums alone.