The fascinating story behind two failed attempts of Real Madrid to sign Mbappe.

The fascinating story behind Real Madrid's pursuit of Kylian Mbappe has unfolded over the years, yet the French star has yet to make his way to the Bernabeu. There are intriguing aspects hidden within, particularly concerning Mbappe's career development choices.

At just 13 years old, Mbappe's foster brother Jires Kembo made a decision that left his family astounded. Over a decade has passed, but the impact remains palpable. It was in 2012 when Kembo began building a promising career, representing the French U21 team and battling in Ligue 1 with Rennes. However, that summer, Kembo opted to leave his homeland and join Al-Ain in Abu Dhabi at the age of 24.

It is said that this news brought tears to Mbappe's eyes. Kembo, his foster brother, had chosen money over football, a mistake that Mbappe promised never to make. When Mbappe reached a similar crossroads in his own career, he faced a pivotal moment, not a fork in the road like his foster brother did, but rather a crossroads. Mbappe didn't have to choose between money and football. The best decision for his bank account and his career could lead him to the same destination.

However, the crucial point is that Kembo's decision years ago gave a young child a multi-dimensional, principled view of the football world, full of temptations from an early age. With his exceptional talent, Mbappe had the ability to choose to start his professional career at a top European club.

Mbappe chọn khởi nghiệp ở Monaco

Everyone knows that Mbappe idolized Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid as a child. Evidence of this lies in the small room in his Paris suburb home, adorned with pictures of CR7. Even as a teenager at France's Clairefontaine talent academy, Mbappe carried a shoelace inscribed with the words "Chelsea FC." At that time, numerous renowned clubs on the continent were ready to roll out the red carpet for Mbappe. Nevertheless, disregarding all that, Mbappe chose to embark on his professional career at Monaco.

It is precisely this consistency and clear thinking that explains why Mbappe joined PSG instead of Real Madrid in 2017. Mbappe could have easily chosen to join Los Blancos, helping his dream become a swift reality. However, that wasn't Mbappe's development path.

Mbappe's decision to reject Real Madrid in the summer of 2017 reflected the mindset of a player who is currently the most powerful figure in football. Six years later, Mbappe finds himself back on the radar of Real Madrid and the world's biggest clubs. He faces criticism and accusations of betrayal and broken promises. Yet, once again, Mbappe is prepared to do exactly what he wants.

In 2017, an 18-year-old Mbappe signed with PSG initially on loan for a season, in a deal worth €145 million, making him the second-most expensive player in history. Prior to that, Mbappe had helped Monaco win Ligue 1 and reach the Champions League semifinals, attracting attention across Europe. His age and ability made it evident to everyone that this move was just a foundation for something greater. Mbappe would stay in Paris for a few more years before reaching even greater heights. Real Madrid, for example. From there, numerous questions emerged: Can PSG develop into the best team in Europe, prompting Mbappe to reconsider his departure? And will Mbappe fulfill the promise he made to his mother years ago?

Mbappe quyết định gia hạn với PSG hồi mùa Hè năm ngoái

Up until now, Mbappe has remained steadfast in his stance. Initially, the 24-year-old forward wanted to stay at Monaco for at least one more season to further build on the blossoming success. However, Monaco needed cash, so they negotiated a deal with Real Madrid. When the offer was presented to Mbappe, he felt betrayed. Regardless of it being Real Madrid, a dream destination, Mbappe outright refused. He was angered by the way the deal was conducted. PSG then stepped in. Monaco got the money they needed, and Mbappe felt once again in control of his own future.

Last summer, Real Madrid appeared to have secured the coveted player, but Mbappe's family decided it wasn't the right time for him to set foot in the Bernabeu. When faced with a choice between two clubs, Mbappe opted to confront Real Madrid. His only goal was to exercise maximum caution for his career.

"Mbappe has always prepared for this," a source said. "I think when he was 10 or 12 years old, he knew what would happen to him." Until now, it can be said that Mbappe is moving in the right direction. He is not in a rush, and as the summer 2023 transfer market opens, a similar question arises: Is it now time for Mbappe to choose Real Madrid or another destination?