The Vibrant Parrots Illuminate the Sky like Majestic Rainbows _ BirdBuddies


My eyes are captivated by the vivid and awe-inspiring display of tropical birds, each one a living testament to the breathtaking beauty of nature.

  1. Great Hornbill

Wow! This magnificent bird captivates with its striking appearance, particularly the vibrant yellow casque atop its impressively large bill. Unfortunately, whenever I approach my father's body even slightly, it forcefully nudges my shins with its beak, leaving me amazed and slightly startled.

2. Blue-And-Gold Macaw

This exquisite parrot, adorned with vibrant hues, is renowned for its remarkable ability to mimic human speech. However, in an unusual twist, this particular parrot remains eerily silent, except for the ominous low hiss it emits whenever I dare to approach the lifeless form of my dear departed father.

3. Bee-Eater

These brilliantly feathered avian creatures possess a remarkable skill: the art of extracting bee stingers before devouring their prey. It's a truly astonishing feat! Although my father's body remains untouched by bees, these small yet fierce guardians relentlessly defend it against my every approach.

4. Pelican

Among the fascinating manifestations of evolutionary adaptation, this magnificent avian species boasts a remarkable throat pouch designed for scooping up fish. However, this particular voracious individual seems oblivious to the fact that my father is far too large to fit within its pouch. Thus, I find myself engaged in a relentless struggle to prevent it from persistently attempting to engulf him, a battle that has persisted for hours.

5. Rainbow Lorikeet

The breathtakingly vibrant coloration of the rainbow lorikeet is unmatched anywhere else in nature. This marvelous species of bird is diving down to attack the other tropical birds in an attempt to claim my father’s corpse as its own. I’m beginning to think that throwing a few pieces of cardboard over him may be the most dignified burial I can give my father without getting seriously hurt.