This peculiar creature possesses 720 genders, has no brain, but is highly intelligent


This peculiar creature possesses 720 genders, has no brain, but is highly intelligent 

People who are identified as “different” from the socially accepted gender have become a major problem in our society. Although the Western world is beginning to accept individuals who self-identify as the opposite sex, there are still many places that do not yet accept this.

However, there is one creature on Earth that actually proves that gender is just a social construct, as this creature has 720 different sexes. The organism has been named Physarum polucephalum and it has been identified by biologists as a “self-sustaining and growing slime”, which can grow exponentially using only the energy it absorbs. in the atmosphere, such as moisture and sunlight.

Physarum polycephalum is like a bunch of yellow viscous ropes. This strange creature possesses many bizarre features: no mouth, no eyes, no stomach, but still detects and digests food. And most especially, it has more than 700 genders.

While human sex cells come in two types, this organism has sex cells with many genes that can have many different combinations – there are 720 different combinations that can occur, but the Scientists are still working on identifying and classifying all of them.

For a time, scientists had trouble classifying this creature. It looks like a mushroom, but moves like an animal. It has no brain, but can still “learn” how to navigate complex roads for several hours in search of food.

Physarum polycephalum began appearing in encyclopedias of biology in the early 19th century. The organism itself was not properly analyzed or studied until 1930 when Frank L. Howard became fascinated by the way the organism was. this development and the patterns it generates.

In 1931, Howard published a paper titled “The Life History of Physarum polucephalum” which can be found in the American Journal of Botany Vol.18.

Studies have shown that Physarum polycephalum can actually follow its own slime trail to return to a food source for subsequent feedings. This suggests that this brainless creature has a spatial memory and problem-solving abilities.

Besides the huge number of sexes, what surprised Howard was that even if the creature had no brain, it still showed signs of intelligence and even learned by following different patterns. Even if the creature has no eyes or ears, it is very aware of its surroundings and it will back away if it senses danger is ahead.

In the 1960s, people started calling it “the blob” inspired by a 1958 science fiction film called “The Blob” .

Since then, many experiments have been done to better understand how the blob develops and grows.