Unlikely Guardians: Domestic Cats Embrace Newborn as their Protective Older Sibling_babies


A little kitten warmly welcomes the newborn baby into the family, debunking the stereotype of cats being "jealous" animals.

This species always manages to defy expectations. It is often said that felines do not appreciate sharing their owners' love with other pets or individuals, always desiring to be the sole recipients.


But in many cases, cats have shown that their hearts are indeed willing to open up to others and offer a portion of the affection they receive.

There are even stories where cats have embraced orphaned and abandoned puppies as their own, or have assisted families in the process of adjusting to a new pet.

And this little kitten, who has captivated thousands of people, surprised his family with the warm welcome he gave to the newborn baby who arrived home to fill their days with joy and adventures.

Teddy, the family's kitten, took on the role of the baby's "big brother." When they arrived home with the new family member after being discharged from the hospital, they were touched and moved by Teddy's loving gestures.

Without showing any jealousy, Teddy immediately recognized that the little one deserved his love and protection, just as they had done for him when he was adopted.

The parents of the child, named William, captured these memorable scenes with their mobile phone, and after sharing them on TikTok, they received thousands of comments from people all over the world who were captivated by the video.

In the recording, it can be seen how the light-colored cat gently strokes the peacefully resting baby.

The kitten wholeheartedly loves his younger brother.


He even lowers his face onto the little one's to show him that he can trust him and that he is delighted to have him as his younger brother.

Ever since Teddy's owner gave birth, the cat has been the baby's best companion, always wanting to stay by his side.

Teddy protects and cares for his little brother and tries to offer him comfort when he hears him crying.

William has a great companion who will always take care of him, the cat even sleeps with him.

On their profile, @williamandteddy, they share videos of their daily life that have reached over 12 million views.

"I think you were just a surrogate, the baby belongs to the kitty," commented a user in one of the videos, addressing the child's mother in a humorous tone.

The cat watches over his dreams, takes care of him, and embraces him with his paws. He doesn't want to be separated from the little one whom he sees as vulnerable and dependent.

It's true love, undoubtedly. From the day William was born, a beautiful friendship was also born between him and his furry brother.

Some people may be fearful when parents allow their pets to approach their newborn babies, but just like Teddy, many animals are only concerned with taking care of the little ones.

It is important to take precautions due to the risk that the animal may have a defensive reaction that could potentially affect children. However, in general, pets are considered as another member of the family, and if they receive love, they will give love in return.

Upon seeing these scenes, it is inevitable to think about the alarming number of cases of animal abandonment that occur because families feel there is "no room" for them once a baby arrives.

Undoubtedly, the videos of Teddy and William have the power to melt anyone's heart and brighten even the worst of days.

In one of the videos, they show the kitten swinging in the baby's high chair and having fun with his toys. This pair even shares their favorite belongings.

We love hearing such beautiful stories of love where pets demonstrate how wonderful life can be when we have them at home.