Unlocking the World: Empowering a child with autism to connect through exploration, reading books, and delightful activities like dinosaurs, bubbles, and music. 🌟👦📚🦕💬🎶 _ Adored Baby Darlings


It’s amazing to hear about how you were able to help a 5-year-old with autism find joy and comfort in activities that are important to her. Sensory experiences, such as playing with bubbles, can be a great way for children with autism to explore and engage with their environment.


Hyperlexia, or the ability to read beyond what is expected for one’s age, can also be a positive trait for children with autism. Reading books can provide a sense of comfort and familiarity, as well as encourage language development and imagination.

It’s wonderful that this child loves dinosaurs and music, as these interests can provide opportunities for learning and creativity. And, of course, Baby Shark has become a beloved children’s song that has captured the hearts of kids everywhere!


It’s important to recognize and support the unique interests and strengths of children with autism. By providing opportunities for sensory exploration, encouraging reading and language development, and fostering interests and passions, we can help children with autism thrive and reach their full potential.

Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story, and for the important work you do in supporting children with autism.